- Cheraw, South Carolina Census Data
The total population of Cheraw is 13,911. 6,475 of those are Male (46.55 %) and 7,436 are Female (53.45 %).
In Cheraw, South Carolina 36.9 is the median age.
Population by age in Cheraw, South Carolina:
Under 5: 6.60 %
Ages 5 - 9: 7.62 %
Ages 10 - 14: 7.89 %
Ages 15 - 19: 6.88 %
Ages 20 - 24: 5.23 %
Ages 25 - 34: 12.60 %
Ages 35 - 44: 15.42 %
Ages 45 - 54: 14.56 %
Ages 55 - 59: 5.56 %
Ages 60 - 64: 4.31 %
Ages 65 - 74: 7.15 %
Ages 75 - 84: 4.39 %
Over 85: 1.79 %
Cheraw Statistical DataTotal Area in Cheraw, SC.: 135.88 Square Miles.
Land Area: 133.39 Square Miles.
Water Area: 2.49 Square Miles.
Cheraw elevation: 294 Ft.
Economic Data for Cheraw, South Carolina:
Employment Data:6,274 are employed in Cheraw, SC.
699 are unemployed in Cheraw.
Household Income Data for Cheraw, South Carolina:Income per household breakdown is as follows:
Earning under $10,000 yearly: 1,140
Earning $10,000.00 - $14,999 yearly: 459
Earning $15,000 - $24,999 yearly: 793
Earning $25,000 - $34,999 yearly: 639
Earning $35,000 - $49,999 yearly: 1,044
Earning $50,000 - $74,999 yearly: 799
Earning $75,000 - $99,999 yearly: 340
Earning $100,000 - $149,999 yearly: 230
Earning $150,000 - $199,999 yearly: 16
Earning $200,000 or more yearly: 24
$30,266.00 is the Median Annual Family Income in Cheraw.
Analysis of School Enrollment in Cheraw:3,785 people over the age of 3 are enrolled in school in Cheraw, South Carolina.
Of the total enrolled:
312 children in Cheraw are attending Nursery School.
165 children are enrolled in Kindergarten in Cheraw.
1,890 children go to Primary School in Cheraw
1,007 youths in Cheraw are enrolled in Secondary School.
411 individuals attend college in Cheraw, South Carolina.
2,985 received a High School diploma or GED.
1,715 have had some college.
692 have an AA Degree in Cheraw.
915 have a Bachelors Degree in Cheraw.
Drug Treatment Centers in Cheraw
Drug addiction and alcoholism is a dilemma which impacts tens of thousands of people in Cheraw. For individuals who struggle with substance abuse problems, the future can seem bleak and that there is no hope of everquitting, typically after a few unsuccessful attempts to do so on their own withouthelp. This is mainly because the addiction by itself is really just a symptom of the underlying issues which need to be addressed for there to be any chance of long-term sobriety. Drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs in Cheraw work toaddress the physical and underlying emotional and psychological issues which will give the recovering addict a much better chance at a full, long-lasting recovery.
Drug and alcohol treatment facilities in Cheraw provide the most effective recovery solution that is available. The most effective treatment is what individuals need when they make the decision to quit. Family and friends may need to intervene to make sure the addict or alcoholic gets the help they need by going to a Cheraw drug or alcohol rehab center since some people cannot make that step on their own. Deciding on the correct drug treatment center in Cheraw based on the individual's unique needs is also a crucial step and there are various treatment options offered in the area. Professional addiction treatment counselors can help clarify these options and get you or your loved one started as soon as possible.
Drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs in Cheraw use proven recoverymethods and provide the best atmosphere for support and recovery. The therapeutic setting within a Cheraw drug or alcohol rehabilitation facility provides a drug and alcohol free atmosphere that is also free of harmfultriggers and distractions which could interrupt them during their treatment process. It is vital that they also have all of the necessary medical attentionthrough the process of treatment. Drug rehabilitation programs in Cheraw are able to provide the medical attention needed to assist addicted individuals with the physical side effects and withdrawal symptoms that they willexperience when quitting drug or alcohol use.Experienced addiction counselors make sure that the clients get through any bumps in the road and get the specific treatment regimen that will beeffective for their situation.
Cheraw drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers have the tools and wherewithal to work with even the most severe cases of drug or alcohol addiction, and work with the clients through counseling and other treatment services to handle the underlying addiction issues and help the individual to be more responsible of their actions and decisions. Those who take full advantage of the treatment process can overcome just about anything that stands in the way of their recovery. It might take anywhere from 3 months to a year to completely resolve all addiction issues in the course of treatment, and it is not something to be rushed. The truly successful rehab facilities don't put a time frame on the person's program, but put more attention on long term sobriety and lasting results. Individuals in search of treatment can talk to a counselor to find out which recovery option is right for them.
- Tri County Mental Health Center (7.5 miles from Cheraw, South Carolina)
Tri County Mental Health Center is located at 207 Commerce Avenue Chesterfield, SC. 29709.
Tri County Mental Health Center can be contacted by calling 843-623-2229.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale - Givebac Ace Camp (8.3 miles from Cheraw, South Carolina)
Givebac Ace Camp is located at 1477 Ted Melton Road Chesterfield, SC. 29709.
Givebac Ace Camp can be contacted by calling 843-623-3077.
Treatment Services: Halfway House, Residential Short-Term Treatment (30 days or less), Residential Long-Term Treatment (more than 30 days)
Payment Options: Self Payment - ALPHA Center (8.7 miles from Cheraw, South Carolina)
ALPHA Center is located at 1218 East Boulevard Chesterfield, SC. 29709.
ALPHA Center can be contacted by calling 843-623-7062.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Adolescents, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, DUI/DWI Offenders, Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - Tri County Community Mental Health Ctr (13.8 miles from Cheraw, South Carolina)
Tri County Community Mental Health Ctr is located at 1035 Cheraw Street Bennettsville, SC. 29512.
Tri County Community Mental Health Ctr can be contacted by calling 843-454-0841.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale - Good Samaritan Colony (15.4 miles from Cheraw, South Carolina)
Good Samaritan Colony is located at 19147 Highway 9 Ruby, SC. 29741.
Good Samaritan Colony can be contacted by calling 843-634-6848.
Treatment Services: Residential Long-Term Treatment (more than 30 days), Seniors/Older Adults, Men, Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Options: Payment Assistance - Recovery Associates (19.5 miles from Cheraw, South Carolina)
Recovery Associates is located at 109 West Franklin Street Rockingham, NC. 28379.
Recovery Associates can be contacted by calling 910-997-7604.
Treatment Services: Outpatient
Payment Options: Self Payment - Sandhills Alternative Academy (19.7 miles from Cheraw, South Carolina)
Sandhills Alternative Academy is located at 503 Rockingham Road Rockingham, NC. 28379.
Sandhills Alternative Academy can be contacted by calling 910-417-4922.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient, Spanish
Payment Options: Medicaid, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - Ashas Closet (20 miles from Cheraw, South Carolina)
Ashas Closet is located at 315 South Long Drive Rockingham, NC. 28379.
Ashas Closet can be contacted by calling 910-434-8178.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Adolescents, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Persons with HIV/AIDS, Gays and Lesbians, Seniors/Older Adults, Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women, Men, DUI/DWI Offenders, Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - Day by Day Family Services (20.4 miles from Cheraw, South Carolina)
Day by Day Family Services is located at 216 Wortham Street Wadesboro, NC. 28170.
Day by Day Family Services can be contacted by calling 704-405-4265.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Adolescents, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Persons with HIV/AIDS, Gays and Lesbians, Seniors/Older Adults, Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women, Men, Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Options: Medicaid, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale - Cornerstone Treatment Facility (21.1 miles from Cheraw, South Carolina)
Cornerstone Treatment Facility is located at 129 Wallace Road Wadesboro, NC. 28170.
Cornerstone Treatment Facility can be contacted by calling 704-695-0601.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Gays and Lesbians, Criminal Justice Clients, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - Sandhills Alternative Academy LLC (22.3 miles from Cheraw, South Carolina)
Sandhills Alternative Academy LLC is located at 121 Pine Needle Lane Hamlet, NC. 28345.
Sandhills Alternative Academy LLC can be contacted by calling 910-417-4922.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient, Partial Hospitalization/Day Treatment, Spanish
Payment Options: Medicaid, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - Rubicon Family Counseling Center (22.6 miles from Cheraw, South Carolina)
Rubicon Family Counseling Center is located at 510 East Carolina Avenue Hartsville, SC. 29550.
Rubicon Family Counseling Center can be contacted by calling 843-332-4156.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Persons with HIV/AIDS, Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women, Men, DUI/DWI Offenders, Criminal Justice Clients, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Military Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale, Payment Assistance - Starting Point of Darlington (23 miles from Cheraw, South Carolina)
Starting Point of Darlington is located at 1451 Retail Row Hartsville, SC. 29550.
Starting Point of Darlington can be contacted by calling 843-383-4848 x13.
Treatment Services: Detoxification, Methadone Maintenance, Methadone Detoxification, Outpatient, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Options: Self Payment - McLeod Medical Center Darlington (26.2 miles from Cheraw, South Carolina)
McLeod Medical Center Darlington is located at 701 Cashua Ferry Road Darlington, SC. 29532.
McLeod Medical Center Darlington can be contacted by calling 843-777-4200.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Hospital Inpatient, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - McLeod Behavioral Health Services (26.3 miles from Cheraw, South Carolina)
McLeod Behavioral Health Services is located at 701 Cashua Ferry Road Darlington, SC. 29532.
McLeod Behavioral Health Services can be contacted by calling 843-777-4200.
Treatment Services: General Health Services, Detoxification, Hospital Inpatient, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Options: - Generations Health Services LLC (26.9 miles from Cheraw, South Carolina)
Generations Health Services LLC is located at 911 Atkinson Street Laurinburg, NC. 28352.
Generations Health Services LLC can be contacted by calling 910-291-9909.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Persons with HIV/AIDS, Gays and Lesbians, Seniors/Older Adults, Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women, Men, DUI/DWI Offenders, Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale, Payment Assistance - Palmetto Center (33.2 miles from Cheraw, South Carolina)
Palmetto Center is located at 1709 Stokes Road Florence, SC. 29501.
Palmetto Center can be contacted by calling 843-662-9378.
Treatment Services: Residential Short-Term Treatment (30 days or less), Women, Men
Payment Options: Payment Assistance - Chaparral Youth Services (34.3 miles from Cheraw, South Carolina)
Chaparral Youth Services is located at 5973 McLeod Drive Maxton, NC. 28364.
Chaparral Youth Services can be contacted by calling 910-844-8940.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services
Payment Options: Medicaid - Circle Park Behavioral Health Services (35 miles from Cheraw, South Carolina)
Circle Park Behavioral Health Services is located at 601 Gregg Avenue Florence, SC. 29501.
Circle Park Behavioral Health Services can be contacted by calling 843-665-9349.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Adolescents, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Persons with HIV/AIDS, Gays and Lesbians, Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women, Men, DUI/DWI Offenders, Criminal Justice Clients, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Options: Medicaid, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Payment Assistance - Pee Dee Mental Health Center (35.2 miles from Cheraw, South Carolina)
Pee Dee Mental Health Center is located at 125 East Cheves Street Florence, SC. 29506.
Pee Dee Mental Health Center can be contacted by calling 843-317-4089.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Seniors/Older Adults, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment